It isn’t uncommon for a 7-year-old in Mexico to transport drugs across the border for a drug cartel, to get into fights at school, or even to take part in gang activity. That’s the reality for millions of children and youth in Mexico. Many live in exceptionally tough environments.

In order to reach these children with the hope found in God’s Word, the Bible Society of Mexico has developed a program model to help local church leaders disciple children and youth with biblical values. This program will help point these vulnerable children and youth in Mexico to God, who loves them and wants to give them a bright future.

New Program Helps Mexican Leaders Engage Youth with God’s Word

This summer, the Bible Society of Mexico will train more than 9,000 leaders and Sunday School teachers from 3,000 churches in a new Scripture engagement program model with the potential to impact 120,000 children in Mexico. Leaders will learn new methods for sharing God’s Word, including open forum discussions and a new engaging curriculum.

One Sunday School teacher who went through the training said, “When I learned the focus of the program, I was so impressed, because we always just teach what the Bible is and who the characters are. But the next step is, so what does this all mean? This [program] intercepts Bible knowledge and the teaching of values to children.”

Another teacher trained in the program used the new curriculum in her second grade classroom and saw fighting and disorder decrease as attention and interest increased.

These leaders are courageously trying new things to reach the children and youth in Mexico with God’s Word. Let’s pray for them as they go through training and then begin to implement the program.

Pray For:

  • Church Leaders. Pray that leaders going through the training would be empowered by God’s Spirit to teach the Scriptures with enthusiasm and power. Ask God to use these leaders to reach children and their families with God’s Word. Pray that God would strengthen, guide, and protect every leader.
  • Children and Youth. Pray that as children and youth are taught God’s Word, they would be drawn to God’s love. Pray for their salvation and continued spiritual growth. Ask God to protect them from gangs, drugs, and violence.
  • Bible Society of Mexico. Pray for the safety of all Bible Society staff and volunteers as they train church leaders across the nation. Ask God to provide all material and financial resources to the Bible Society so they can continue to support the Church.