Pray for the Old Testament Translation for the Guidar speakers of Cameroon
There are 98,000 Guidar speakers in Cameroon and surrounding countries. While Guidar speakers received the New Testament in 1970, they have waited more than 40 years to have the full Bible in their language.
Local churches are asking for the Old Testament to empower Scripture engagement in a community where Islam has made inroads. The translated text will also serve as a valuable resource to promote literacy in the community.
Background and Context:
Bible Society of Cameroon has invited churches to take ownership of Bible translation by providing translators, finances, in-kind donations and prayer. Over the next three years, Bible Society of Cameroon and its partners plan to complete the Guidar translation by training translators and reviewers, hosting review workshops, typesetting, proofreading and printing 1,000 Scripture Portions each year – all culminating to the launch and distribution of the full Guidar Bible.
Pray for:
- The Guidar-speaking people. Ask God to speak to their hearts through the soon to be completed first-ever full Bible in Guidar.
- The Translation Team. Ask God to give them wisdom, encouragement and good health throughout the duration of this project.
- Collaboration and unity among the translators and the translation committee.
- Funding needed to complete this Bible translation.
If you’d like to share your prayers, you can do so in the comments section below.