Have you ever had to make a huge, life-altering decision? Were you afraid of making the wrong decision?
I recently found myself in that place.
A few months ago, my husband received a job offer. We were both thrilled about the opportunity. It had the potential to open many exciting doors for us…but also one not-so-exciting door that we weren’t sure we wanted to walk through. The job was 1,600 miles across the country. Walking through that open door would mean developing new friendships, finding a new church, assimilating to a new way of life in a completely new place, and surely experiencing heartache every step of the way. We were excited about the opportunity. We knew it could be a good fit for many reasons. But…1,600 miles away? Leaving all of our friends and family behind for a job? Is that really the right decision? Do people really do these kinds of things?
During that time, I knew I couldn’t rely solely on my own reasoning or emotions to come to a decision. I brought this scary, life-altering, crazy situation to God in prayer. The prayers were simple, but they were frequent. And eventually, my husband and I were at a decision, and we were at peace with it. We felt God was with us. We trusted Him that we were making the right move.
Are you facing a hard decision right now? If you are, you don’t have to face it alone.
Maybe you’re facing a similar decision that could have you moving across the country, or maybe not. Hard decisions come in all shapes and sizes. Perhaps your big decision has to do with your kids, your spouse, your job, your finances or even your health. Whatever the case, invite God into your decision-making process.
Pray these prayers with me as you wrestle with big decisions:
God, thank you for all you’ve done in my life. Even though I am worried and frustrated right now, help me to be excited about the plans you have for my future.
“My thoughts,” says the Lord, “are not like yours, and my ways are different from yours. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours.” – Isaiah 55:8-9 GNT
If _(insert big decision here)_ is what you have for me, open the door wide. And if it’s not what you have for me, close the door tightly, God.
Teach me your ways, O Lord; make them known to me. Teach me to live according to your truth, for you are my God, who saves me. I always trust in you. – Psalm 25:4-5 GNT
God, guide me in this difficult time. Give me wisdom, patience and trust. At the end of this big decision-making process, give me peace and continue to guide me.
The Lord gives strength to his people and blesses them with peace. – Psalm 29:11 GNT