She has three sons playing on three different baseball teams and she hardly seems flustered!

I watched as this mom dropped her boys off at the appropriate baseball field, spoke to each of their coaches and then operated the snack bar. I thought to myself,
how does she manage it all? In this moment, I reflected on my struggle to get one son to his weekly baseball game—and that’s with the help of a family calendar!

The truth is, I find many aspects of family life stressful. When it comes to being a mom, I stress about day-to-day activities, like getting my kids off to school, remembering appointments and making sure they eat something other than Cheerios! Then, there’s the added stress of wondering how my children are doing emotionally and developmentally. Am I paying enough attention to them? Are they making friends at school? Is their learning on par with where it should be?

Maybe you’re dealing with stress-related family issues as well, 
whether it be a loved one who is ill, a strained relationship, financial pressures or just the everyday struggle of trying to keep your family afloat. If you are, you’re not alone. In a 2014 poll by CBS News, family responsibilities ranked as one of the most prominent sources of stress, with respondents only ranking money and work as greater stressors.

And although many articles present ideas to help cope with this family stress—such as communicating more, eating together and building one another up—few cite praying together as a tool for managing stress. In my experience, praying together has been critical to managing my family’s stress level; we’ve experienced nothing as effective as standing before God as a family and asking him for his help and guidance.

If you’re dealing with family stress today, either together or individually, I invite you to recite these three prayers:

God, thank you for taking care of my family. Grant us favor and peace.

May the Lord bless you and take care of you;
May the Lord be kind and gracious to you;

May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.
– Numbers 6:24-26 (GNTD)

God, teach us to always have respect for you and your Word, making it the foundation of our family.

If you respect the Lord, you and your children have a strong fortress. – Proverbs 14:26 (CEV)

God, protect my family and keep us from harm.

But the Lord can be trusted to make you strong and protect you from harm. – 2 Thessalonians 3:3 (CEV)