The Bible is bringing hope and healing to inmates in our jail and prison system, according to a new study released by American Bible Society and Baylor University. The study takes an in-depth look at a Bible-based Trauma Healing Ministry program administered by American Bible Society and the Good News Jail & Prison Ministry titled Healing the Wounded Heart. The program guides inmates toward long-term restoration by combining mental health best practices and biblical truths.

And praise God, many men and women are experiencing deep restoration through this powerful ministry!

The Transformative Power of God’s Word

Most inmates have experienced trauma, and trauma is often a barrier between them and God. Traumatized inmates struggle to envision a hopeful future, maintain healthy relationships, or believe that God could love them. But the Trauma Healing Ministry program seeks to alleviate trauma among inmates using the healing found in God’s Word. It uses a set of practical lessons to lead incarcerated people and those transitioning back to their communities, on a journey of healing. And lives are being transformed!

Here are some key findings about the impact of the Trauma Healing Ministry program. Bible-based trauma healing group participants experienced

  • decreased PTSD after the trauma healing program;
  • improved emotional health, exhibiting increased forgiveness and compassion; and
  • an improved attitude toward God and the Bible and reported an increased sense of God’s purpose in their lives.

Jon Evans, president of Good News Jail & Prison Ministry, expressed his joy over the countless lives being touch by this ministry: “For many, trauma healing has been the ‘missing link’ in helping them reconcile their past and accept God’s plan for their future. This research project, launched with the help of Good News Chaplains, empirically demonstrated what was already being observed clearly – the Word of God transforms hurting lives!”

We give God thanks that his Word is bringing lasting healing to inmates. And we also rejoice that since launching this ministry in 2017, over 250 individuals have received training to lead Trauma Healing Ministry in jails, prisons, and re-entry centers, and have delivered the Trauma Healing Ministry program to over 2,600 inmates and previously incarcerated people in 29 states.

But God is not done. There are still so many hurting hearts in jails and prisons that need to know God loves them and forgives them. Join us as we pray for the Trauma Healing Ministry to reach more hearts with the healing found in God’s Word.

Let’s Pray Together

Father, we praise you that many incarcerated people have encountered your hope, forgiveness, purpose, and salvation through the Trauma Healing Ministry. Thank you that their lives have been transformed through the power of Scripture and that they are no longer shackled to their trauma and pain. Help them continue to experience John 8:36 (GNT) which says, “If the Son sets you free, then you will be really free.” We also pray for the Trauma Healing Ministry program to expand, enabling more inmates to experience your healing and hope.