On Memorial Day, we honor the heroic men and women who died while serving our country. It is a time to remember their courage and sacrifice and to reflect on the price they paid to preserve our liberty. These selfless heroes embody John 15:13 (GNT) which says, “The greatest love you can have for your friends is to give your life for them.”

We are forever indebted to these heroic Americans. And we honor them through our gratitude and remembrance.

Caring for Military Personnel Today

As we remember our fallen heroes, we also acknowledge the brave men and women who currently serve or have served in our nation’s Military. They need our prayers and support. Many Military Service Members and Veterans experience trauma. Physical, emotional, or psychological trauma can result from a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. Military combat, violent assaults, terrorist incidents, and serious accidents are just some of the causes of trauma.

But there is hope and healing.

American Bible Society’s Armed Services Ministry created Never Alone Trauma Healing to provide Scripture-based comfort for Military personnel experiencing trauma. Never Alone Trauma Healing is an online course based on the Healing the Wounds of Trauma book and addresses the needs of the U.S. Military. It is specifically designed to remind Military personnel that they are not alone in their suffering. God understands the struggles they face, and he is near.

The 7-module program is full of interactive, helpful content, Scripture reading, and journal exercises. The topics include suffering, being heard, grieving, bringing pain to the cross, forgiving, coming home, and rebuilding and resilience.

Even the bravest warriors need to know they are not alone. Join us as we pray for them to feel God’s peace and nearness through his Word.

Let’s Pray Together

Father, today we honor those who were willing to give their lives to protect and defend our country. We thank you for their service and pray that as a nation we will never forget their sacrifice. We also pray that you will strengthen and protect our Military personnel who currently serve. For those experiencing trauma, we ask you to lay your hand of healing upon their lives.