Since 2007, SAT-7 KIDS has been helping children in the Middle East and North Africa learn about the love of God. Using dramas, talk shows, cartoons, and worship programs, this Christian satellite television channel teaches children the fundamentals of Christian belief.
SAT-7 KIDS broadcasts to 21 Arabic-speaking countries. And for many children, it is a haven and a source of inspiration in a region where they may not have access to a church.
“Supporting young people in the Middle East to grow up strong in their faith and values is a key pillar of SAT-7’s work,” said Rita El-Mounayer, SAT-7’s CEO.
New SAT-7 Program Helps Children Overcome Trauma
Many children in the Middle East and North Africa grow up surrounded by conflict and uncertainty, often leaving them traumatized. Unresolved, this trauma can follow them into adulthood. These children need to know that they are not alone. God loves them and he is near.
In collaboration with American Bible Society’s Trauma Healing Ministry and Life Focus, SAT-7 KIDS created a new program called Why Is That? to help children suffering from trauma.
Why Is That? is a 13-part television series for children that addresses trauma caused by poverty, domestic violence, abuse, and religious persecution. Each episode:
- begins with a drama segment featuring a problem or a traumatic event,
- a biblical story that corresponds with that trauma,
- an application that shines light on God’s presence in their lives, and
- tools to help children reach out to God in times of trouble.
This unique program aims to show viewers that healing is possible and available for all those affected by trauma. “This is not just another Christian program—it’s refreshing and real. We have not produced anything like this before,” said a member of the production team.
How You Can Pray
Proverbs 16:3 (GNT) says, Ask the LORD to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out. Let us pray together to dedicate this program to God. We want it to be successful, but without God’s blessing and help that is not possible. Here are 5 ways you can pray. Pray for:
- Why Is That? Program. Why Is That? started broadcasting on SAT-7 KIDS in January 2023. Pray for God’s favor upon all the components of the program including the scripts, actors, production crew, resources, marketing and communications, and filming location.
- The team. Pray for wisdom and strength for the SAT-7 KIDS and Life Focus teams as they produce the program. Also pray for the viewer support teams who provide counseling, prayer, and guidance to viewers who call in, text, or send emails.
- Protection. Pray for the safety of all personnel involved in the program and against any obstacles, delays, or challenges that may arise as the program shares the hope of Jesus in a region where Christianity may be considered hostile.
- Children Experiencing Trauma. Pray that many children across the Middle East and North Africa will experience God’s healing and peace as they watch the program. Pray that the gospel of Jesus will transform their lives bringing hope to hopeless situations.
- Churches in the Middle East and North Africa. Pray that churches in this region will be confident in their Christian faith and witness, welcoming those who want to deepen their relationship with Jesus.