This summer, we invited you to pray for Phoenix’s Hispanic Churches as they prepared to embark on a month-long Bible reading journey through the book of Acts. The initiative was created by a coalition of local Hispanic church leaders to help their congregants develop a daily habit of Bible reading and enrich their experience with God.

You prayed and God answered!

Together, we prayed for 100 churches to take part in the month-long Bible reading plan, and God answered! More than 131 churches from various denominations across Arizona signed up to participate. Over 15,000 congregants received the Acts devotional in their preferred language of English or Spanish, titled, Unity and Revival: 28 Days in the Book of Acts.

Testimonies of faith

Excited pastors from all over Arizona are sharing how this month-long Bible reading journey has transformed the people in their churches. Here are some of their stories:

“During this month, our church became fully involved in the reading of this book (Acts Devotional), …I must comment that reading the book of Acts for a month caused some believers to continue reading the Bible every day, I have noticed the spiritual change in some people because they have fallen in love with the Biblical reading”. – Rev. Hector Ramirez, Christian Church the Good Shepherd

“Rosita was very excited and happy to have this printed devotional… When she became Christian, she did not know how to read but she wanted to read the Bible; so, she asked some people to teach her how to read using the Bible. Now she can read the Bible.” – Rev. Aldo F Gonzalez, Iglesia NCuentro

Let’s thank God for his transformative Word as it enables faithful followers to experience daily messages of hope and love. Let’s continue to pray that many more people across the nation will have powerful encounters with God by engaging in Scripture.

Prayer of Thanks:

Father, thank you for reaching Hispanics across Arizona with the fullness of your love through the pages of the Bible. We pray that as they continue reading the Bible, you would transform their lives, transform their communities and transform Arizona. Continue to use the Hispanic churches in Arizona to spark a passion for reading the Bible.