When I was 22, I went on my first mission trip to Peru. I was looking forward to sharing the gospel, especially since I am of Peruvian descent and could speak Spanish. But when I arrived, I was stunned to learn – these Peruvians didn’t speak Spanish!
In Peru’s central highlands and coast, the people speak Quechua. Quechua is an indigenous language with about eight million native speakers throughout Latin America. For a long time, Quechua-speaking pastors did not have God’s Word in their language. They tried preaching from the Spanish Bible. But it was hard for their congregants to understand. Thankfully, the first Quechua translation of the New Testament was published in 1947.
Although Quechua speakers now have God’s Word in their language, there are more than 165 million people without a single verse of translated Scripture in their heart language. But your prayers can help change that.
Bible Translation Brings Life Transformation
Perhaps you’re like me and you didn’t know about all the languages in the world without a Bible in their language. In this episode of The Prayer Snapshot we shed light on the need for Bible translation and how your prayers can help give a Bible to every waiting person in the world by 2026.
Listen as we share about the wonderful ministry of translating God’s Word.