I think it’s safe to say, we are all hoping that this year will be different than the previous two, which has left many feeling weary, battered, and broken.

But a new year offers new hope.

And we can have hope because of God. Although we continue to face challenges from the ongoing pandemic, our hope is in God. But hope doesn’t just come from God rescuing us from the hardships we face. Our hope comes from trusting God in all circumstances! It comes from knowing that God loves us, he promises to always be with us, and he can be trusted to keep his promises. That’s why Christians can have hope in suffering, in sickness, and in trials of various kinds.

So, no matter what 2022 holds—whether it is more of the same or the breakthrough we’ve been desiring­—we know that as long we trust God, we always have hope!

3 Prayers for 2022

As we journey through 2022, let us go to the Lord in prayer with renewed hope and faith. Scripture encourages us: “We must hold tightly to the hope that we say is ours. After all, we can trust the one who made the agreement with us” (Hebrews 10:23 CEV). Remember we can trust the one we are praying to. Here are three prayers you can pray for this year.

  • Pray that Christians will glow in the dark. Don’t just pray that we come out of this dark time, but pray that God will use you, your church, and Christians around the world to shine God’s light in the darkness, reaching those who are hurting, lost, and alone.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out.” (John 1:5 GNT)

  • Pray for a harvest of souls. Pray for millions of people who have yet to hear, experience, and receive Jesus to discover him through Bible ministry across the globe.

[The LORD said:] “I will look for those that are lost, bring back those that wander off, bandage those that are hurt, and heal those that are sick.” (Ezekiel 34:16a GNT)

  • Pray for more prayer. We have heard it said that history belongs to the intercessors, so pray that more intercessors will boldly go before the throne of God to seek revival in cities and nations.

“Do all this in prayer, asking for God’s help. Pray on every occasion, as the Spirit leads. For this reason keep alert and never give up; pray always for all God’s people.” (Ephesians 6:18 GNT)