In his Word, God invites you to know him and grow closer to Jesus! You know you should read the Bible more. But did you know why building a daily habit with the Bible is one of the best things you can do?

Download our free 2025 Daily Bible Reading Guide—and keep reading to learn why the Bible is good for you, and how to kickstart a daily Bible reading habit to help you grow in your faith.

The Bible Is Good for You

You see the news. People—especially young people—are struggling. Loneliness and anxiety are up. We see it too. For 14 years now, American Bible Society’s State of the Bible has tracked Bible use, and the trends aren’t great.

But there’s good news too. When young people in Generation Z engage with the Bible, they buck all the trends. Loneliness and anxiety go down. They flourish. And so does everyone else.

Why Should I Read the Bible Every Day?

Yes, the Bible is good for you. Our latest research just confirms what Scripture tells us. There are countless reasons to study God’s Word. Here are a few directly from Scripture to encourage your heart.

The Bible is inspired by God and equips you for every good deed.

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed.

2 Timothy 3:16–17


The Bible is food for your soul.

Jesus answered, “The scripture says, ‘Human beings cannot live on bread alone, but need every word that God speaks.’”

Matthew 4:4


The Bible is a daily illuminating guide for your life.

Your word is a lamp to guide me
    and a light for my path.

Psalm 119:105


The Bible is a weapon against sin and temptation.

At all times carry faith as a shield; for with it you will be able to put out all the burning arrows shot by the Evil One. And accept salvation as a helmet, and the word of God as the sword which the Spirit gives you.


The Bible helps you flourish as you seek to live out its message.

Be sure that the book of the Law is always read in your worship. Study it day and night, and make sure that you obey everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Joshua 1:8


How Can I Start a Daily Bible Reading Habit?

Ask for God’s help.

God cares for you and desires to bless you through his holy Word. If you’re struggling to start or maintain a regular Bible study habit, pray and ask God for help, trusting that he hears you (Psalm 119:18; 1 Peter 3:12).

Set aside time.

Even when you’re at your busiest, making a regular time for God’s Word each day will strengthen you. What pattern works for you? Maybe you bookend your days with Scripture, reading the Bible each morning and evening. Maybe you read short passages of Scripture throughout your day or share it with your family over meals. Or maybe you dedicate part of your lunch break to studying and praying through the Bible. Commit to keeping God’s Word at the forefront of your life and see how it transforms you!

Find a format that works for you.

Do you focus best when reading? Is it more helpful for you to hear Scripture through an audio Bible or podcast? Do you like using a Bible app or do you need a printed Bible to stay focused? Do you find journaling helpful? Do you like to supplement your Scripture reading with hymns, worship music, or quiet instrumental pieces? Experiment with different ways of engaging with God’s Word and choose the format that best focuses your heart and mind on the Bible’s message.

Avoid distractions.

Our culture is relentless! It can feel nearly impossible to spend even 20 minutes cut off from the responsibilities, worries, and notifications of everyday life. The Bible warns us to be watchful, knowing that the Devil is always seeking to attack our faith (1 Peter 5:8). Don’t let your anxieties or digital distractions pull you away from refreshing your heart with God’s Word. Protect your time in Scripture by intentionally setting aside anything that can interrupt your focus, and ask God to help you remain firm in your faith.

Share what God is teaching you.

Individual time in God’s Word is an essential part of your faith. But the Bible also tells us that we are meant to live and grow in community as the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27). When you learn something new in your daily Bible reading, don’t keep it to yourself—share it with a Christian friend, a church member, or even someone curious about your faith. Use your time in God’s Word to encourage others and seek encouragement by discussing your faith with fellow believers. Bring your questions, too!

Cherish your time with your heavenly Father.

As you look forward to a year of growing in God’s Word, remember to praise him for the gift of the Bible and treasure the time you spend with him each day. Look forward to how he will bless you as you remember him in everything you do, trusting him to direct your path throughout this new year (Proverbs 3:6).

Free 2025 Daily Bible Reading Guide

Download American Bible Society’s free Daily Bible Reading Guide by clicking below! We hope this resource blesses you as you grow closer to Jesus this year. Whether you use the Guide on your own, or you read along with our companion daily emails, we know that God will meet you in his Word.