God’s Renewing Word of Prayer


Psalm 63: This psalm can be read as a concluding component to Psalms 61 and 62 which we read the past two days. These three psalms comprise a trilogy of prayers that focus on trusting in God. In today’s reading, the writer expresses a deep yearning for God and describes the comfort and assurance of being in God’s presence.

Scripture Reading

Longing for God

1O God, you are my God,

and I long for you.

My whole being desires you;

like a dry, worn-out, and waterless land,

my soul is thirsty for you.

2Let me see you in the sanctuary;

let me see how mighty and glorious you are.

3Your constant love is better than life itself,

and so I will praise you.

4I will give you thanks as long as I live;

I will raise my hands to you in prayer.

5My soul will feast and be satisfied,

and I will sing glad songs of praise to you.

6As I lie in bed, I remember you;

all night long I think of you,

7because you have always been my help.

In the shadow of your wings I sing for joy.

8I cling to you,

and your hand keeps me safe.

9Those who are trying to kill me

will go down into the world of the dead.

10They will be killed in battle,

and their bodies eaten by wolves.

11Because God gives him victory,

the king will rejoice.

Those who make promises in God’s name will praise him,

but the mouths of liars will be shut.

Today’s Key Verse: Psalm 63:1a

O God, you are my God, and I long for you.


What verses in this psalm attest to the psalm writer’s deep longing for God? How is this longing described? The psalm writer states that God’s “constant love is better than life itself” (verse 3). What does God’s constant love mean to you? In what ways do you experience God’s love?


Sovereign God, my soul thirsts for you. Your constant love is my source of joy and comfort. I cling to you, and your hand keeps me safe. I will give you thanks as long as I live. Amen.

Tomorrow’s Reading

Psalm 64: A prayer for protection from people who speak hurtful words.