God’s Renewing Word of Wisdom
Psalm 15: This short psalm, which may have been used originally in a ceremony as worshipers entered the Temple, includes requirements for admission to the Temple. The psalm begins with a query (verse 1) followed by a response (verses 2-5). The psalm concludes with an affirmation to remain steadfast in doing what God requires.
Scripture Reading
What God Requires
15 Lord, who may enter your Temple?
Who may worship on Zion, your sacred hill?
2 Those who obey God in everything
and always do what is right,
whose words are true and sincere,
3 and who do not slander others.
They do no wrong to their friends
nor spread rumors about their neighbors.
4 They despise those whom God rejects,
but honor those who obey the Lord.
They always do what they promise,
no matter how much it may cost.
5 They make loans without charging interest
and cannot be bribed to testify against the innocent.
Whoever does these things will always be secure.
Today’s Key Verse: Psalm 15:1, 2a
LORD, who may enter your Temple? Who may worship on Zion, your sacred hill? Those who obey God in everything and always do what is right.
Reread verses 2-5. How do these verses characterize a life that is dependent on God? What were your thoughts when reading these verses?
Dear God, help me to obey you in everything so that I always do what is right. Keep me close to you, and keep my heart pure. May my words and actions today be pleasing in your sight. Amen.
Tomorrow’s Reading
Psalm 49: A psalm about the foolishness of trusting in riches.