God’s Renewing Word of Wisdom


Ecclesiastes 9:13-18: The book of Ecclesiastes contains the thoughts of one who reflected deeply on the meaning of life. The author is not known but is thought to have been a teacher, preacher, or philosopher. Today’s reading includes the writer’s thoughts on wisdom and foolishness.

Scripture Reading

Thoughts on Wisdom and Foolishness

13 There is something else I saw, a good example of how wisdom is regarded in this world. 14 There was a little town without many people in it. A powerful king attacked it. He surrounded it and prepared to break through the walls. 15 Someone lived there who was poor, but so clever that he could have saved the town. But no one thought about him. 16 I have always said that wisdom is better than strength, but no one thinks of the poor as wise or pays any attention to what they say. 17 It is better to listen to the quiet words of someone wise than to the shouts of a ruler at a council of fools. 18 Wisdom does more good than weapons, but one sinner can undo a lot of good.

Today’s Key Verse: Ecclesiastes 9:17

It is better to listen to the quiet words of someone wise than to the shouts of a ruler at a council of fools.


In today’s reading, the writer offers a story and teaching about the value of wisdom. What lesson does he provide? What are your thoughts about today’s reading?


Lord God, bestow upon me your wisdom, as you have done for others. Help me not to prejudge others based on social or economic status. Teach me to listen for your voice each day and to be guided by your Word. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.

Tomorrow’s Reading

James 1:1-27: Encouraging moral behavior among believers is the focus of James’s letter.