God’s Renewing Word of Thankfulness and Praise
Psalm 95: The psalm writer encourages worshipers to come before God with thanksgiving and songs of praise. God is a mighty king who rules over all creation, and humankind is compared to a flock for which God cares. The writer encourages people to listen to God’s voice and to obey God’s commands.
Scripture Reading
Come, let us bow down and worship him; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!
Reread verses 7-11. Sheep normally listen to their shepherd (John 10:4), but this passage describes how God’s people did not listen. The psalm writer uses this memory to call people to obey God “today” (verse 7). How do you listen for God’s voice? How will you discern God speaking to you today?
God of grace and mercy, there are times in my life when I have failed to listen to your voice. Forgive me. Help me to hear your voice in all aspects of my life so that I may serve you faithfully. Amen.
Tomorrow’s Reading
Psalm 96: God is our supreme king.