God’s Guiding Word: Love
Psalm 136: Today’s reading is a hymn of thanksgiving for God’s eternal goodness and love. Written as a litany that was probably sung by the priests during worship, the words “his love is eternal” are a congregational response at the end of each verse.
Scripture Reading
136 Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good;
his love is eternal.
2 Give thanks to the greatest of all gods;
his love is eternal.
3 Give thanks to the mightiest of all lords;
his love is eternal.
4 He alone performs great miracles;
his love is eternal.
5 By his wisdom he made the heavens;
his love is eternal;
6 he built the earth on the deep waters;
his love is eternal.
7 He made the sun and the moon;
his love is eternal;
8 the sun to rule over the day;
his love is eternal;
9 the moon and the stars to rule over the night;
his love is eternal.
10 He killed the first-born sons of the Egyptians;
his love is eternal.
11 He led the people of Israel out of Egypt;
his love is eternal;
12 with his strong hand, his powerful arm;
his love is eternal.
13 He divided the Red Sea;
his love is eternal;
14 he led his people through it;
his love is eternal;
15 but he drowned the king of Egypt and his army;
his love is eternal.
16 He led his people through the desert;
his love is eternal.
17 He killed powerful kings;
his love is eternal;
18 he killed famous kings;
his love is eternal;
19 Sihon, king of the Amorites;
his love is eternal;
20 and Og, king of Bashan;
his love is eternal.
21 He gave their lands to his people;
his love is eternal;
22 he gave them to Israel, his servant;
his love is eternal.
23 He did not forget us when we were defeated;
his love is eternal;
24 he freed us from our enemies;
his love is eternal.
25 He gives food to every living creature;
his love is eternal.
26 Give thanks to the God of heaven;
his love is eternal.
Today’s Key Verse: Psalm 136:1
Give thanks to the LORD, because he is good; his love is eternal.
Verses 4–9 recount the story of creation as recorded in Genesis 1:1–19, and verses 10–22 recall God’s saving acts in Israel’s history. When reading this psalm, what is the effect of the repeated response at the end of each verse? Try writing your own litany by recalling times in your life when you experienced God’s goodness and love and inserting the words “his love is eternal” at the end of each sentence.
Your love, O Lord God, is eternal. I thank and praise you and proclaim your mighty deeds. You are the greatest of all gods and the mightiest of all lords. You alone are God, and your love is eternal. Amen.
Tomorrow’s Reading
Psalm 138: A prayer of thanksgiving for God’s love and care.