God’s Saving Word: Praise and Thanksgiving


Psalm 134: Today’s reading is a short psalm that calls upon worshipers to come and praise the LORD.

Scripture Reading

134 Come, praise the Lord,
    all his servants,
    all who serve in his Temple at night.
Raise your hands in prayer in the Temple,
    and praise the Lord!

May the Lord, who made heaven and earth,
    bless you from Zion!

Today’s Key Verse: Psalm 134:3

May the LORD, who made heaven and earth, bless you from Zion!


Written as a benediction, today’s reading concludes a collection of psalms (120—134) known as “Songs of Ascents”—psalms sung by pilgrims journeying “up” to Jerusalem for one of the major festivals. What gesture of prayer is cited in verse 2? In what ways do worship leaders in your community of faith conduct and lead prayers?


Lord God, Creator of heaven and earth, I thank and praise you for your many blessings. Today I especially praise you for _____________________. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.

And now, join us in praising God that the Roma people in Serbia are receiving Bibles in their heart language for the first time. Merciful God, many Romani struggle due to illiteracy and poverty. However, thanks to the generosity of Bible-A-Month Partners, the translation of the Romani Bible was completed, and Roma children are learning about God. The Romani Bible is also being used to help increase literacy in the heart language of the people. We praise and thank you, Lord God, that your Word is fostering changed lives for the Roma people in Serbia. Amen.

Tomorrow’s Reading

Psalm 135: A hymn in praise of the LORD’s goodness.