God’s Saving Word: Prayer


Psalm 142: Today’s reading is a psalm attributed to David when he hid in a cave to escape his enemies (1 Samuel 22:1; 24:3). The writer is in a state of despair, and pleads for help to be released from his distress, promising to praise the goodness of God.

Scripture Reading

A Prayer for Help

142 I call to the Lord for help;
    I plead with him.
I bring him all my complaints;
    I tell him all my troubles.
When I am ready to give up,
    he knows what I should do.
In the path where I walk,
    my enemies have hidden a trap for me.
When I look beside me,
    I see that there is no one to help me,
    no one to protect me.
No one cares for me.

Lord, I cry to you for help;
    you, Lord, are my protector;
    you are all I want in this life.
Listen to my cry for help,
    for I am sunk in despair.
Save me from my enemies;
    they are too strong for me.
Set me free from my distress;
    then in the assembly of your people I will praise you
    because of your goodness to me.

Today’s Key Verse:  Psalm 142:5

LORD, I cry to you for help; you, LORD, are my protector; you are all I want in this life.


What verses speak of the psalm writer’s despair? What does the psalm writer ask of God? In verse 2, the writer states that he brings to God all his complaints and tells God all his troubles.

What are your thoughts about complaining to God and telling God your troubles? If you’ve ever done this, how did you feel at the time?


You, Lord God, are my protector and you are all I want in this life. I thank and praise you for your goodness; and in faith, I know I can tell you my troubles, trusting that you alone can set me free from my distress and surround me with your comforting love. Amen.

Tomorrow’s Reading

Psalm 143: A prayer for help.