Today Americans take time to honor and thank God for the brave men and women who have defended our country as members of the United States Armed Forces. As Christians, we are grateful for men and women who embody the heart of a God who sacrificially protects his people:

Psalm 18:2 (GNTD)

The Lord is my protector;
he is my strong fortress.

My God is my protection,

and with him I am safe.

He protects me like a shield;

he defends me and keeps me safe.

At American Bible Society, nothing brings us more joy than hearing stories of how God is using his Word to bless American military. Thanks to our generous financial partners, VA chaplains are equipped with customized Scripture resources to minister to aging and wounded veterans around the country.

This Veterans Day, take time to read through these five encouraging testimonies from VA chaplains who have partnered with American Bible Society to care for our brave American heroes. Let us thank God for the countless ways he is using the Bible to comfort men and women who sacrificially served our country.

  1. “One veteran had to be admitted for an emergency and was not able to bring his Bible. He notified me and I brought one up. He thanked me, and said, ‘Now I can read my friend, the Bible, daily.’”
  2. “These Scriptures and resources are literally a Godsend…I serve veterans from the World War II to the First Gulf War…As they get older, PTSD and other memories resurface, so these resources help them to deal with the spiritual questions and issues [they] face.”
  3. “One of our patients was having a lot of trouble with his health, including his eyes. He couldn’t see [well enough] to read. We gave him one of your large-print Bibles and about a week later, he read Scripture at our Bible study. The other attendees applauded him.”
  4. “There is not a day that goes by when a veteran does not ask for a Bible or Scripture to help with healing and coping spiritually…The Bible plays a big part in their spiritual health. They are always gracious and appreciative of the support you provide and your contributions impact them in ways that are beyond measure.”
  5. “We encourage our local military and veterans to join us in community each week and to study the Bible on a daily basis…We have been able to successfully bring young men and women, who thought that nobody—including God—cared about them, to a wonderful caring community.”
  6. To learn more about how God is working in the military community, visit