Meng* never, ever thought it would happen.

This elderly woman, who lives in a remote village of China, never thought she would be holding her very own Bible. But thanks to the generosity of friends like you, she saw God do the impossible more than once . . . starting with her health.

Ten years ago, Meng suffered from endless headaches. She had no money for doctors or hospitals. The only option in her small village was a witch doctor. However, after the incantations and spells, her medical condition only became worse.

Desperate, Meng agreed when a neighbor asked if she could pray for her. The neighbor put her hand on Meng’s head and as she prayed softly, the pain began to lighten!

“What medicine did you rub on my head to make me feel so much better?” Meng asked. Her Christian neighbor smiled and said, “I have no medicine. I am poor like yourself. But I asked God if He might give you His mercy and healing.”

Meng began to ask about God and eventually attended a local church. She listened to the Bible stories, heard the Word, and placed her faith in Jesus Christ. Then, something incredible happened.

Visitors brought Bibles to her village!

“We never imagined anyone would bring us Bibles, especially not free ones,” Meng shares. “Our village is so hard to find and difficult to travel to. This was a gift we will never forget.”

Since receiving her very own copy of God’s Word, Meng says her life has been transformed.

“I know God now,” she says. “I read or have this Bible read to me every day. Once, I turned to witches for help. Now, I have the God of Heaven and Earth to talk to me. His words are true, and He can actually help me. Before, I did not laugh. Now, I laugh.”

Thank you to our generous partners for providing Bibles in the most remote locations of the world, like China!

*Name changed for privacy