Nguyen* was running a small business in Vietnam when he first realized something was wrong in his life. His sole focus in life was work, and he felt very stressed and worn out.

“I knew there had to be more to life than this,” he says.

One of Nguyen’s friends saw him struggling and shared a copy of the New Testament. Nguyen read a few pages a day and began attending church services with his friend.

But Nguyen quickly returned to his old ways. He focused on his business before anything else.

“Even though I told myself I was making this money in order to serve God, I was not living ethically,” he says. “I was spiritually lost, and I soon became bankrupt.”

Nguyen returned to the church once again where, praise God, he found his true calling as an evangelist! Nguyen recommitted himself to Jesus and started studying the Bible seriously.

Nguyen’s hunger for the Word of God led to lasting changes in his attitude and lifestyle. He no longer obsesses over money and strives to live a pious life instead.

“I enjoy sharing the Gospel,” Nguyen says. “I have a happiness that I’ve never known before. My Bible guides me and gives direction for my life.”

Today, Nguyen ministers to the youth of a local church, and he also works as an evangelist and hospital chaplain. And thanks to the dedication of American Bible Society financial partners, Nguyen is able to give the patients he counsels their very own copies of the Bible!

Because of our supporters’ dedication to the Great Commission, the souls of people like Nguyen are saved for eternity.

*Name changed to protect privacy.