The President of Wesley Theological Seminary welcomed more than 500 guests to the October opening of the “Bible Ministry Exhibition of the Protestant Church in China” in Washington. The crowd applauded thunderously when Rev. Gao Feng, president of China Christian Council (CCC), announced that “more than 400,000 believers in China are baptized each year. Although it is hard to fully comprehend the power of God's Word, the rapid growth of the Church in China testifies to his power at work.” The exhibition later traveled to Chicago, Dallas and Charlotte, N.C.

In addition to supporting this exhibition opening in 2011, American Bible Society has been supporting government-approved printing of Bibles in China for 25 years. The relationship started and built momentum when Amity Foundation Printing Company and United Bible Societies opened Amity Printing Company in Nanjing in 1987. In 2007, the 50 millionth Bible ran off the press. In 2012, the 100 millionth Bible will be printed.

In 1979, following the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and ‘70s where tens of thousands of books, including Bibles, were destroyed and church life eliminated, the China government introduced new religious freedoms in China. Church life resumed and the church grew tremendously as it vigorously practiced its principles of self-administration, self-support and self-propagation. During the last 30 years, thousands of churches and meeting points were born, as well as theological seminaries and Bible schools that are training and equipping much-needed pastoral personnel, preachers and lay workers. Today, the church continues to expand, and new ministry outreaches to improve Bible literacy and social services among its members are being implemented.