For 193 years (1817-2010) and through nine wars, ABS has provided Scriptures to millions of men and women in the U.S. armed forces.

Bibles go to the crew of the USS John Adams.

1846 – 1848
Mexican War
Both the American forces and Mexican civilians are supplied.

1861 – 1865
Civil War
5,297,832 Scriptures go to both North and South.

Spanish-American War
75,000 Scriptures deployed.

1917 – 1918
World War I
6,387,943 Scriptures sent to the troops of several nations.

1941 – 1945
World War II
7,420,910 Scriptures deployed.

1950 – 1953
Korean War
3,877,147 Scriptures deployed.

1959 – 1975
Vietnam Conflct
18,576,941 Scriptures deployed.

2001 to the present:
Since the United States announced war against terrorism — the most protracted and in some ways most difficult in U.S. history — 2 million New Testaments and more than 900,000 full Bibles and other Scripture resources have been deployed.

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