Maani was a defiant teenager. He routinely disobeyed his parents and, as he now freely admits, “never submitted to anyone.” But that all changed after the 17-year-old was introduced to the Bible.
“Many people want to listen and many people need to hear the Word,” says Maani. “When they brought the audio Bible and I listened … in my own language, I understood clearly the Word of God.”
Verses about obeying his parents and not being a defiant youth spoke to Maani’s heart, and today he’s a changed young man, hungry for God’s Word.
This is all made possible through American Bible Society’s End-to-End ministry. In Togo, a nation where 81% of the people live below the poverty line, this project is truly changing lives by bringing God’s Word to people in a format they can easily understand and embrace.
This can be a challenge since most of the unreached people of the world (particularly in Africa and India) live in oral communities. That’s why the End-to-End program uses a simple three-phase process to introduce hard-to-reach people groups to Scriptures in their heart language, planting the seeds for a relationship with Jesus Christ.
First, they watch the JESUS Film. Next, they join audio Bible listening groups. Finally, Bibles are presented to those in the group who can read.
“We have not seen anything else on this planet that works better than the End-to-End strategy,” said Roy Peterson, American Bible Society President and CEO.
Thanks to the support of American Bible Society’s financial partners, we can continue to bring God’s Word to the hearts and hands of those hungry for His Good News — and distribute Bibles in the heart languages of those hungry for God’s Word, like Maani.