In the midst of a pandemic, Tropical Cyclone Harold hit the South Pacific, devastating four Island nations – Solomon Islands, Fiji, Tonga, and Vanuatu. Thirty-two lives were lost and approximately 300 were injured. The dual impact of the pandemic and cyclone will have a lasting impact on these countries.
With 80% of the population being Christians, many families found themselves without a Bible or any Scripture resources to turn to in this time of hardship and difficulty. The Bible Society quickly focused in on two immediate needs – Bible distribution and Bible-based trauma healing for the citizens.
On the island of Vanuatu, the Bible Society and the Council of Churches held an equipping session to train 30 facilitators in Bible-based trauma healing.
Over a three-day period, pastors, counselors and Christian workers were trained to reach emotionally and spiritually hurting people. “Participants have taken the time to recognize the pains they are carrying and expressing the pain in laments, sharing, and writing down all … and bringing it to the cross of Christ,” explains Mere Katonivere of the Vanuatu Council.
At the end of the session, all the participants were presented with their Apprentice Facilitator Certificates. The new facilitators were encouraged to conduct Trauma Healing Sessions in their communities where emotional wounds were still fresh.
We are grateful for our partners’ continued support of the Bible Society’s Trauma Healing Program, which helps deeply traumatized people experience Christ’s healing touch. Thank you for caring about this life-changing work!