Romanian children living in rural villages don’t have the same opportunities as children born in the city. In some areas, where 70% of the population lives in poverty, many parents have left in search of work abroad. With few opportunities for a better future, these children are desperate for the hope that can only be found in God’s Word.

That’s why, with the help of American Bible Society financial partners, we reached out to these children with the Good News to help them build their lives upon the solid foundation of Jesus Christ.

Thanks to their faithful support, thousands of New Testament Scripture stories have been given to Romania’s children and youth in kindergarten classes, elementary schools, and churches.

Christina* was overjoyed to share her feelings about getting her first Bible. “I am very happy to receive my first Bible. It is very beautiful with a lot of colorful images. I like to hear stories about Jesus, who was a very good person. I haven’t had a Bible so far, and I am very eager to read it.”

When we asked Andrew* what he liked the most about his Bible, he replied, “I like that God is alive!”

Ana*, a 7-year-old, was also excited to get her first Bible. “I like my Bible because I love God. I love God because I know that God will help me to grow up, look after my weaknesses to make me stronger, and protect me from danger.”

Without the Good News in a language and format they can understand, children in Romania, as well as around the world, may never experience the life-changing message of hope. We are grateful to our partners in ministry for helping to bring them God’s Word!

*Names changed to protect privacy.