In Liberia, drug addiction is prevalent among former child soldiers who were introduced to drugs during the 14-year-long civil war. In this country, which is plagued by extreme poverty, high crime, and limited healthcare, addiction continues to claim new victims.

Cecilia* grew up in a Muslim community and was just a teenager when she became hopelessly addicted to drugs. She was expelled from school and rejected by her family. Of that time, she says, “I lost my sense of value . . . my dignity as a human being.”

Eventually, Cecilia was admitted to a rehabilitation center in her area, and thanks to friends like you, the center was equipped to offer Bible-based trauma healing, audio Bibles, and printed Bibles.

After attending the trauma healing session, Cecilia’s group began listening to God’s Word with the audio Bibles and discussing Scripture. Cecilia then received a copy of the New Testament in her heart language. “It is the first Bible I ever read,” she shares. “Understanding God’s Word transformed my life!”

Thinking back on how her life was previously spiraling out of control, Cecilia now says with a smile, “My life has been transformed. Had it not been for the Bible Society, I would have died without knowing Jesus. I got to know Christ through this program. . . and now I can walk with God as a follower of Christ.”

Your prayers and generosity are helping provide God’s Word where it is needed most so people like Cecilia can experience life transformation through finding Jesus as their Savior.