Eleven-year-old Lana* remembers the day her family fled for their lives.

When radical militants invaded her hometown in the Middle East, they had three choices: convert, run, or die.

“We had to leave our house and flee,” she recalls. “We left everything — our toys, books, clothes — and we came with nothing in our hands. My mom and my sister cry a lot. I cry, too.”

The violence changed their lives forever. Lana and her family are refugees who have very few possessions. One treasure Lana had to leave behind was her Bible. But thanks to friends like you, Lana received a Bible to replace the one she lost!

“I was very happy,” Lana says. “I felt like a piece of my home is with me, and that Jesus is with me. Almost every day I sit with my sister and we look at the pictures and read the stories. The Bible teaches me how to be strong in Jesus, to believe in Him, and to love Him.”

In dire and dangerous situations like these, God’s Word gives hope. We are so grateful to our financial partners for making it possible to provide Bibles to those who have had to flee violence and persecution in the Middle East and around the world.

*Name changed to protect privacy.