Kensia* lives with her children in a tough neighborhood in Haiti. She is constantly overwhelmed with worry.

“We are in an area where armed gangs are ruling and prevent us from living peacefully,”

Kensia says. “Often, we hear gunshots, even in the middle of the night. I hope that one day the authorities will end this nightmare. I feel frustrated, scared, and neglected.”

She is not alone — more than half of all Haitians live in poverty, often surrounded by violence. Constant political instability, social unrest, and natural disasters can make it hard to see how life will ever get better in this nation of more than 11 million people.

Kensia, and all Haitians, are searching for hope. Hope that, thanks to generous financial partners, is available to them through Scripture!

When Kensia received a Bible from the Bible Society in her heart language of Haitian Creole, she was excited and eager to read.

“I was really amazed by the goodness of Jesus,” Kensia says. “In my heart I wanted to know Him, see Him, and touch Him. Simply having Jesus in my life has changed me.”

Now she learns about God every day, and Kensia cherishes the messages of hope she finds in Scripture.

“The Bible allows me to learn more every day about God and what He is asking us to do,” she says. “The Bible is an essential element in my daily life.”

This is the impact this generosity is making in Haiti and throughout the Caribbean where poverty has affected so many. God’s Word is giving them hope and peace in the midst of trouble.

*Name changed for privacy