During his deployment to the Middle East, Army Officer Daniel Taylor* experienced some of the most intense battles against ISIS. Daniel’s platoon had to remain alert for sniper fire, unexploded IEDs (bombs), and many other forms of attack while out on patrol.

Thanks to our faithful friends, Daniel was equipped with an American Bible Society Military Bible early in his Army career. On those dangerous missions, Daniel shares, “I carried the Bible in my assault pack. Having Scripture at my fingertips gave me the ability to read anywhere, and it brought a quick connection to my Savior.” He continues, “God’s Word also guided how I led my Soldiers.”

Daniel appreciated the special devotional resources he received as well. Back home, Daniel’s wife had the same devotionals, which helped comfort her and made them both feel closer. Their five children love the resources they receive as part of the Bible Society’s Hero Squad outreach, too. Daniel says, “My kids look forward to each study. This is an awesome resource that is perfectly designed for military families.”

We are so grateful to our generous partners for helping to provide comfort and peace to American heroes like Daniel while they are deployed to some of the most dangerous regions of the world. The continued generosity also helps undergird the families of our active-duty Service Members with Bibles and Scripture resources.

*Name changed for privacy