As you read this, the men and women of the United States Military are risking their lives and guarding our security in hot spots and lonely outposts around the world. Many are facing fear, depression, and terrible loneliness.

While they go into battle with the latest technology and training, their greatest weapon is something that our generous partners provide — God’s Word.

One Chaplain says the shipments of Bibles, provided by friends like you, are bringing new believers to Christ every week!

“We have over 2,000 basic trainees every Sunday in our Bible studies, with 100 to 150 indicating a first-time decision to trust Christ each week,” he says. “The Bibles are so appreciated, and it’s an amazing joy to teach new believers the difference between the Old and New Testaments, and how to find passages.”

Getting these brave warriors Scripture early is critical, as many will turn to God’s Word for comfort when faced with the many challenges of service.

From injury and trauma in hostile environments to survivor’s guilt and separation from their families, God’s Word holds the answers to their problems.

Carl*, a Navy Airman, said his Bible helped him to “listen to the Word of God.”

“I realized God will help me in every situation,” Carl said. “I asked God to wash all my iniquity and transgressions.”

We are so grateful for our partners supporting our Troops. Their ongoing support is critical to connecting our American Military heroes with God’s Word.

*Name changed for privacy