Our parents, Wilmer and Rose Panno Beidler
Given by Joseph and Roseanne Beidler
Carol L. Berg
Given by Arthur R. Berg
Grace P. Campbell
Given by Faith D. Early
Sister Mary Charlotte Frenzel
Given by George and Dolores Frenzel
and Family and Friends
Our father, Lowell Hadley,
Given by Carol Jean Droz and David L. Droz
Our father, Lowell Hadley,
Given by Curtis L. Hadley and Bonnie Hadley
Lorena Hedrick
Given by Frank A. Hedrick
My mother, Doris C. Howard
Given by Ms. Jean Ingram
Glenn and Margery Howard
Given by Susan J. Howard
My wife, Frances McMurrin
Given by the estate of Lee R. McMurrin
Claire Naber
Given by Mr. and Mrs. Anatol Kurdsjuk
Roberta and Francis Rier
Given by Mr. and Mrs. Thurston M. Manchester Jr.
Charles R. Shelvin
Given by Mercedes Hysaw
Honor the memory of a loved one by helping to provide Bibles to people who don't yet have them. Memorials
of $500 or more for one individual or family unit will be published in the American Bible Society Record.
For further details about the memorial program, please write to Donor Relations, American Bible Society,
1865 Broadway, New York, NY 10023-7505, or call 866.895.4448.