My mother,
Elizabeth Baysinger
Given by Connie Burk Davis

Mary Lesta Lowe Cosby
Given by Dr. Robert M. Cosby

My father,
Jere Lawrence Crook Jr.
Given by Senter C. Crook

Avanelle Fuquea
Given by Mrs. Geneva C. Fuquea

My mother,
Ruth Galm
Given by Rev. Arlene R. Wilhelm

Marjorie Hoffeld
Given by Sarah Altland

Our grandmother,
Ruby Lackey
Given by Nicolas and Erin Yount

My husband,
Charles (Chuck) D. Ross
Given by Alice J. Ross

My father,
Charles Richard Rostron
Given by Merry Horst

William Smith
Given by Merry Horst

Honor the memory of a loved one by helping to provide Bibles to people who don't yet have them. Memorials of $500 or more for one individual or family unit will be published in the American Bible Society Record. For further details about the memorial process, please write to: Donor Relations, American Bible Society, 1865 Broadway, New York, NY 10023.