My Bible has been available in English for more than 400 years. And I’ll be honest. I take it for granted. But I recently realized what a blessing my Bible is when I visited Mexico to see people receive a Bible in their language for the first time.

Now when you think of communicating in Mexico, you may imagine saying something in Spanish. However, 14.9 percent of the country’s population is indigenous, and Mexico recognizes 68 different Mexican indigenous languages. Each ethnic group has its own culture, religious practices and language. If people in these indigenous ethnic groups speak Spanish, it is usually their second language.

American Bible Society partnered with the Bible Society of Mexico and the Korean Bible Society to fund an adult New Testament translation and a translation of the Gospel of Luke for children into one of these languages. I flew to Mexico to document the ceremony and distribution of these New Testaments. It was incredible to be a part of this event. I climbed to the top of a roof to capture images as 4,000 New Testaments were passed out to the community.

I was able to interview some of the recipients of these Bibles. We needed two translators on hand. One was there to translate the local language into Spanish, and the other was there to translate Spanish into English. An older woman, teary eyed, thanked me profusely for her copy of the Bible. Another woman told me that she had read the Bible in Spanish, but when she saw the Scripture in her heart language, Jesus became real to her.

I was overwhelmingly touched. What if we lived in a world where people could see Jesus clearly because the Bible was written in their heart language? People would be changed, and it would transform the world.

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