Actively engaging 100 million Americans with God’s Word is one of the critical visions of American Bible Society.

Here are some of the exciting steps to accomplish that goal: the Pilgrimage App for daily readings, Mission Trauma Healing, Faith and Liberty Discovery Center and resources for members of our military and their families are more important than ever.

“This is a critical time for our nation. The last half-century has seen huge upheavals in our moral values. We know that whenever a significant number of people abandon the Bible and stop applying it in their personal lives, the nation begins to destroy itself,” says Dr. Roy L. Peterson, President of American Bible Society.

God’s Word is our hope. Here is a glimpse of the impact being made through Mission USA:

“I not only came to faith in Christ during this class but God brought this entire trauma in my life to the forefront. These classes have truly changed my life.” – Mission Trauma Healing participant

“Thank you Armed [Services] Ministry for allowing me to explore this spiritual journey. I am a USAF combat Veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. I have suffered many injuries and this has allowed me to reaffirm my faith. God Bless each and every one of you!” – Scott Jones*

“The Pilgrimage App is wonderful and has so many great resources! It helped me realize that I can make a ‘pilgrimage’ wherever I am. I especially enjoy the challenges for the works of mercy and the ability to journal or comment within the app.” – Pilgrimage App User

*Name changed to protect identity.