Moisés experienced many painful events growing up in Colombia. As a young child, he fell from a tree and shattered his spine, resulting in severe mobility issues. When he tried to stand, his body would collapse. For months he could not move and was in agonizing pain. Finally, after years of his parents praying for him, Moisés miraculously began to heal.

But Moisés’s troubles were not over. Around the age of 11, Moisés was sexually assaulted. He still remembers how this terrible experience caused tremendous “sadness, loneliness, and pain” in his heart. As the years passed, this pain only increased. Depression overwhelmed Moisés. He even considered suicide as a way to escape. On top of this affliction, when Moisés became a teenager, he was plagued by starvation and malnutrition. His body began to shut down. Close to death, Moisés called out to God in his suffering. Remarkably, another miracle occurred and Moisés’s body began to recover and heal.

As an adult, Moisés became an active leader in his Christian community. He directed the children’s ministry at his church, mentored youth, and led various programs. Since he had endured such great adversity with God’s help, he wanted to help others. But the joy of ministering to others could not mask the lingering pain in his heart. The suffering he experienced as a child, especially the sexual abuse, tormented Moisés. He could not escape the anguish and despair within, and he wasn’t sure if it would ever go away.

Amid his suffering, Moisés was invited to a Trauma Healing group and started experiencing the true healing he longed for.

“God heard my cry,” Moisés shares. After 27 years, Moisés could finally talk about the sexual abuse he had experienced. He found comfort and care in a Trauma Healing group led by trained facilitators, who helped participants find hope in Scripture. In this group, Moisés learned that God hears and cares for him. He discovered that his suffering matters to God. And finally, Moisés experienced healing for the pain that was buried deep within his heart.

Moisés praises God for the Trauma Healing ministry, saying, “Today I can say, ‘Thank you God, I am free, and the wound is healed over!’”

Just like Moisés, you can find healing and restoration in God’s Word. Find free Bible-based trauma healing resources to use and share at Or register for a Healing Group to experience this transformative ministry for yourself.