In Vietnam, Hoa* gratefully received a copy of the New Testament that had recently been translated into Tay, her heart language. Though Hoa doesn’t see very well anymore, her daughter began reading it to her daily. “Day after day, my faith in God has grown,” Hoa says. Now, Hoa and her entire family have accepted Jesus!

In Angola, Africa, hundreds gathered to celebrate the arrival of the New Testament in their Umbangala language. “We will no longer need to use the Bible in a language that does not touch our hearts,” one woman cried with excitement. And, since it is very difficult to share the Gospel with others if it isn’t available in the language they speak every day, she added, “Now, when we go to evangelize, we will have no more difficulties.”

Hundreds of thousands of Okun speakers in Nigeria now have access to Scripture in their heart language for the very first time. As Evangelist Abijah shares, it is a game changer: “Reading the Bible in the Okun language will enhance and revolutionize the presentation of the Gospel.”

The generosity of our friends continues to help translate and distribute Bibles to waiting souls around the world. Scripture translations were completed in 81 languages used by 723 million people worldwide last year. With more than 1 billion people still waiting for Scripture in their heart language, their continued support is greatly appreciated!

*Names changed for privacy