The children of Romania are unlike any young people you know. They live in a world of darkness and hopelessness. They desperately need to know someone cares.

That is why Bible distribution and engaging children in God’s Word is so critical. It is making an eternal difference for children like 7-year-old Andreea Roxana.

Because of children’s Bibles provided by American Bible Society, Andreea learned that Jesus cares about her and her future. “I like the Bible because I love God, and I like the images which speak about the stories,” she says.

“I love God because He encourages people to be good. He helps people to recover from illness, and He takes care of the poor. I know that God will help me to grow up. He will look after my weaknesses to make me stronger. He will guide me everywhere protecting me from dangers.”

For children like Andreea, who are surrounded by poverty, God’s Word brings comfort and encouragement. Often, the Bible they receive is their very first one, and it is such a blessing in their lives.

We must continue showing these children that someone cares. Pray with us that God will continue his work reaching children and people of all ages in Eastern Europe through his Word.