A woman in Cambodia studies the literacy materials she received from the Bible Society of Cambodia. The curriculum uses passages from Scripture to increase literacy and share the Good News found in God’s Word.
Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for the spiritual blessings that Christ has brought us from heaven. Ephesians 1.3 (CEV)
Bible Societies around the world are helping to spread God’s message of hope and love with those who need it most. Here are prayer requests from a select group of Bible Societies that ask you to lift them up in prayer.
We thank God for last year’s accomplishments. Lives have been transformed through the distribution of the Bible in Brazil. We ask for your prayers for the Fair Play Brazil Movement (Joga Limpo Brasil), an initiative that involves promoting the biblical message during large sporting events. Please pray that churches will seize this unique opportunity to spread the Word of God.
The Bible Society’s literacy program, Learning through Listening has been running since 2003. The aim of this program is to assist churches in reaching out to a large nonliterate population in Cambodia. Over the past 10 years, more than 30,000 students have completed the literacy course. In 2014, we aim to develop this program further to reach out to the Vietnamese migrant population. Please pray for us as we continue to coordinate and develop this ministry throughout the country.
Northern Ireland
We thank God for our partnerships with churches and mission agencies. Pray that these partners will help us to promote God’s Word and Bible Society ministry to a wider community. Praise God for his provision during a time of recession and for the faithful and sacrificial giving of many supporters to enable us to support our sister Bible Societies. Give thanks that our number of Prayer Partners is growing, and ask God to give us wisdom as we seek new ways to present our work to supporters.
Please pray for the Bible Society as it brings the message of the Gospel to this beautiful, yet often desperate country. Pray that the people will begin to look to the Gospel as their source of hope and that the Bible Society’s projects will help change their opinion about the Bible. Pray for the translators of the New Testament into modern Slovenian, called Life with Jesus, and for the thousands of young people who will receive its second Portion in September. Pray also for the one-week Bible Marathon in October and for the I Read the Word campaign. Remember the partnership of Bible Societies in the wider West Balkan area.
In the last few years, we have focused on reaching ethnic minority groups in addition to Bible distribution. Six of seven translation projects are ethnic minority languages. We will also consult with church leaders to explore the possibility of setting up a new translation project among the minority Muang in Northern Vietnam. Please pray for our translation teams as they often work in harsh and restricted conditions to make God’s Word available in their mother tongue. Pray also for the outcome of the consultation for the Muang project, which is scheduled to start in 2014.
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