You need to see what happens when someone, after waiting her entire life, finally holds a copy of God's Word in her own hands.
It's a joy that is literally beyond words. And it's the day-in and day-out story of our Bible ministry across rural China.
Here, in one of the fastest growing churches in the world today, thousands are living, still waiting. They have heard the truth. They love Jesus. But they still long for his Word.
I think about these sisters and brothers especially this Easter. As I read through the Gospels, I picture the first disciples so much like this — excited, challenged and waiting. Waiting to see what would happen. Longing for hope to prevail. Daring to believe all that Jesus promised.
And we know what happened. They were not disappointed. The same one nailed to the hard wood of a Roman cross rose to life, indeed making “all things new.”
There is still more to do — more lives still waiting. But we rejoice together knowing that the hope for which they wait, all that is promised in God's Word, is secure. He who rose on Easter morning will make all things new.
Thank you for the ways you continue to partner with us. Your prayers and encouragement mean so much to me. No matter what the challenges, the promises of God's Word stand: Death and the grave speak loudly, but they do not get the final word. Easter's resurrection hope prevails.
See story about Mrs. Chen Guo Zi