Hannah* will never forget the night of the attack . . .
Her family awoke to shouts and gunfire engulfing their town in the Middle East.
“While all the gunmen had been screaming and running out of the building, all in one direction, we had been silently praying for God’s guidance to help us escape,” she remembers.
Thankfully, they were able to escape, but like so many refugees from the Middle East, they were left with nothing. Millions of citizens of this Middle Eastern country have fled because of the ongoing violence and danger.
Through the compassionate gifts of our financial partners, American Bible Society is providing the comfort of God’s Word to hurting families like Hannah’s.
“The Bible Society came to our church in a van filled with Bibles, New Testaments, children’s Bibles, and other biblical material,” she said. “We had never seen such treasures before!”
God protected Hannah’s family and gave them a new life. And thanks to friends like you, Hannah received her very first full Bible.
Too many families across the Middle East suffer from the ongoing civil war. Their lives are on the line and they could be forced to flee their home at any moment. The continued generosity of our valued partners will help American Bible Society continue to provide the comfort of God’s Word.
Thank you for placing the hope of Scripture in the hands and hearts of those who are persecuted for their faith or face violence in the Middle East and around the world.
*Name changed to protect privacy.