The nation of Madagascar is one of the poorest in the world. Much of the population barely scrapes by on less than two dollars a day. In recent years, Bibles have been so scarce that some evangelists in rural areas have resorted to hand-copying long sections of Scripture to help share the Good News with others.
With the support of our generous partners, the 1 Million Bibles for Madagascar project is making a difference in this country. Bibles, audio Bibles, and Scripture resources are now available to people who live in Madagascar’s 23 rural regions — in their heart language!
Manjaka* is 22 years old and has been very sick most of his life. He remembers many nights when tears soaked his face because of his illness and the non-stop trials he experienced. Manjaka received a Bible last year. He gave his life to Jesus and now can say, “Jesus was there to save me from it all.” He is very grateful for his Bible because, he explains, “I would never know how much Jesus loves me, how He saved me, if this Bible didn’t exist. Reading the Bible became my passion. This Bible strengthened my faith and convinced me to go and share the goodness of Christ with others.”
Adriana* is 11 years old and, in the past, could only learn about Jesus from others. Now, she has received a Bible of her own and takes it to school every day. She says, “It is easy to read and more understandable in our mother tongue than the French Bible that was read to us before.” Many of her friends have become curious about God’s Word now that they have seen Adriana reading her new Bible.
We are so grateful for our partners for changing eternities by helping to make God’s Word available to those who urgently need to know how much He loves them!
*Names changed for privacy