Maruja Gutierrez, who has been a widow for 9 years, speaks to women and children in Peru about the importance of ending domestic abuse. Photo credit: Pablo Gutierrez

Maruja Gutierrez married her husband in 1959 at the age of 19. Her husband, who was 31 years-old when they married, had started drinking heavily when he was only 17. Soon after their marriage, Maruja's husband started physically abusing Maruja when he was drunk. The abuse continued for years. But after her husband died in 2003, Maruja began to volunteer with the Peruvian Bible Society's campaign to end domestic abuse. Through the Peruvian Bible Society, where her son Pablo is now the director of Programs, Maruja now shares her story with others to prevent more abuse in families.

Widows in the Bible

Tamar: Genesis 38
Ruth: Ruth 1-4
Naomi: Ruth 1-4
Abigail: 1 Samuel 25
Widow at Zarephath: 1 Kings 17
Widow with olive oil: 2 Kings 4:1-7
Widow with an offering: Mark 12:41-43
Anna: Luke 2:36-38
Widow of Nain: Luke 7:11-17
Persistent widow: Luke 18:1-8