Komi lives in Warrangni, a rural farming community in Togo, a small country in West Africa. It is one of the world’s poorest countries, with four out of five people struggling to survive on less than $2 a day.

Many people in Togo, like Komi, are desperate for the hope that can only be found in God’s Word. Yet growing up, he shunned the Bible. “Even my brother and sisters couldn’t preach the Word to me because I was against it,” he says.

One day, Komi said to a believer in his village, “I want to see the Lord.” That night he lay down in bed and “saw someone come down in white clothes.” The man he saw said, “I am Jesus and I have come.” Komi woke up his wife, who is a Christian, and told her, “I saw your Jesus.” From then on, Komi says, “I started committing myself to worship God.”

Komi joined an audio listening group at his church. When he received a copy of the New Testament in his heart language of Kabiye, thanks to the support of American Bible Society’s financial partners, his whole life changed. “I thank God for the Gospel,” Komi says. “I now preach the Word to people. When I read the Bible in my own language, I am so happy.”

Providing one Bible can have such a tremendous impact on a new believer like Komi. The support of American Bible Society’s financial partners makes it possible to translate the Good News into more heart languages … and helps provide peace through God’s Word to the people of Togo.