Lieutenant Colonel Paul McCullough began his military career at the age of 17 when he joined the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC). By age 21, he was on his way to Iraq as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army.

Now retired, Paul clearly recalls that first day when he arrived in Iraq. Funeral services had just concluded on base for three Soldiers who had been killed in combat days before. Feeling the somber weight of the moment and concerned for his life, Paul sought out the Chaplain.

“There you go, Soldier,” the Chaplain said as he handed Paul a Bible. “This can help you out. Read it.” Paul slipped the Bible into the pocket of his cargo pants, and it soon became, in his words, “the most important piece of my equipment.”

In the days, months, and years that followed, Paul frequently experienced the dangers of war firsthand.

The Army base was often under mortar attack. They faced the constant threat of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) on the roads. The enemy would even use children to carry out their efforts to kill American Soldiers face-to-face or through elaborate ambushes.

Paul gave his life to Christ and read his Bible every morning. Afterward, he’d pray for protection over his unit and their vehicle, asking God, “Let me get back and not get blown up.”

As a Veteran now, Paul still experiences anxiety when something triggers a flashback. But thanks to the generosity of friends like you, he learned how to take comfort in the peace and joy of knowing Jesus through Scripture. “The Bible changed my life,” he says. “Not only my life, but others that I’ve helped bring to Christ.”

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