In a dimly lit corner of an Army barracks in Afghanistan, Captain Anderson* quietly prepared for another day as a Soldier living and working in a combat zone. His eyes focused on the words of Jesus found in John 14:27 (GNT), “Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.”

During his deployment, Captain Anderson began each day seeking the comfort and peace of God’s Word. Soon after, he would meet with his team to review intelligence updates on threats, check equipment, and load their weapons. “After reading my Bible,” he recalls, “I thought about putting on the armor of God as I suited up to walk out of the gate.” Captain Anderson and his team faced many dangers and were under an almost constant threat of attack as they patrolled the streets of the busy Afghan city.

Grateful for the Bible and Scripture resources he received from caring supporters of American Bible Society, Captain Anderson says, “Having a Bible study in the middle of a combat zone provided refuge from the harshness outside of the compound.”

From the Civil War to our nation’s longest War on Terror, the generous partnership of friends like you has helped equip our country’s brave warriors, Veterans, and their families with the Bibles and spiritual resources they need.

For the 1.3 million active-duty Service Members putting themselves in harm’s way to protect our freedom, and more than 18 million Veterans living with seen and unseen wounds, the compassion of our dear friends is deeply appreciated!

*Name changed for privacy


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