Freddy* grew up in poverty in a small mud hut in Africa with no electricity. He was barely a teen when his father died.

He felt abandoned and alone. When he was at his lowest, strangers arrived at his village in Benin and shared a message about a loving Heavenly Father.

“Before this time, I wondered, ‘What is God?’ I never heard of God. I did not know what prayer was. I received my first Bible the day the people from the Bible Society came to our school.”

Freddy learned about God’s love and healing comfort in the Bible.

“For me, it was the greatest gift in my life,” he said. “When I received the Bible, I felt joy and I was eager to read it to know about God and His love. By reading this Bible, it was like God Himself was speaking to me.”

Freddy says, “The Bible transformed my life. Before, I condemned people a lot. Today, I am more forgiving and more joyful. This Bible will help my entire house to fill the gap created by the death of my dad. If the Lord had not filled the gap, the difficulties in my life would have continued.”

Boys and girls in many places suffer from poverty, abandonment, and crises. The ongoing support of our financial partners will continue efforts to provide more hurting children across the world with Bibles.

*Name changed to protect privacy.