The sacrifices made by our men and women serving in the military extend to their spouses and children also. Hannah*, whose husband joined the Air Force in 1996, explains it well: “We’re all sacrificing. The kids are sacrificing time with that deployed parent. It’s like a whole different world on base than outside. We live completely differently than civilians . . . you’re also saying goodbye to people all the time due to moving.”

For Hannah’s 8-year-old son and 6-year-old daughter, the Bibles and Scripture resources provided through the Hero Squad program have been game changers. Hero Squad is an American Bible Society ministry that provides age-appropriate children’s Bibles and Scripture materials specially tailored for military families.

“I don’t know what I’d do without Hero Squad,” Hannah shares. “It’s an absolutely wonderful resource. You’re not just opening up the Bible and reading a story. It is relating to military life, which is really important for the kids.” As the family prepared for another move, Hannah was amazed to find the most recent lesson addressing moving as a military family.

With the generous help of our friends, the Bible Society has faithfully distributed Bibles and Scripture resources to Service Members, Veterans, and their families across the world and right here at home for over 200 years. We thank them for supporting our military families with children’s Bibles and strong biblical resources tailored to their unique needs and challenges.

*Names changed for privacy