Though he is now retired, Chaplain (Colonel) Browning will never stop caring about our troops and veterans. He led the largest Department of Defense Joint Base Chaplain Corps team, providing spiritual care for over 264,000 servicemen and women, military trainees, and many others. He understands the importance of the Bibles you help provide for our American heroes.

He stated, “I’m a Christian chaplain bringing the light of Christ into the dark places of chaos and storm. Whether it’s a combat situation, a prison cell, or a hospital room, chaplains carry the light of the sacred into those dark places.”

He recently presented 100-year-old retired Master Sergeant Tommy Green, a WWII and Korean Veteran, with a large print Veterans Bible. Chaplain Browning shares, “These Bibles communicate to our airmen, soldiers, sailors, marines, and veterans that they are not forgotten. I have discovered our veterans in VA homes are clamoring for more large print Bibles. They love them!”

Thank you! Your faithful giving helps provide Bibles and Scripture resources to our heroic veterans and troops worldwide.