This Grandparents’ Day, American Bible Society praises God for the countless grandparents who have modeled a Bible-centered life for their children and grandchildren, living out the words of Psalm 71:
You have taught me ever since I was young,
and I still tell of your wonderful acts.
Now that I am old and my hair is gray,
do not abandon me, O God!
Be with me while I proclaim your power and might
to all generations to come.
Psalm 71:17-18 GNT
Through the example of their grandparents, believers from every generation have been inspired to continue treasuring and sharing God’s Word.
One person impacted by the faithful witness of her grandparents is Gabby, the granddaughter of American Bible Society partners Nancy and Anthony Tringali. Although Nancy and Anthony went home to be with the Lord in 2015, Gabby shares how their influence shaped her love for the Bible from her earliest years.
A Love for God’s Word
When little Gabby woke up early in the morning, she would creep into her grandparents’ bedroom. Without fail, she’d find Anthony in his big black chair with a Bible in his hands.
“He always encouraged me to stay,” Gabby remembers. Together, they would read Anthony’s favorite verses, including Ephesians 2:4-5 (GNT): “But God’s mercy is so abundant, and his love for us is so great, that while we were spiritually dead in our disobedience he brought us to life with
Christ. It is by God’s grace that you have been saved.”
Gabby, who lived with Nancy and Anthony from the time when she was two years old, recalls memorizing Scripture verses with her grandparents and having a family Bible study once a week. “Scripture was pretty central in our lives,” she says. “It was part of our daily rhythm.” When she looks back at her grandparents’ love for the Bible, Gabby isn’t surprised: “If you know Jesus, you want to soak in what he said.”
An Example of Generosity
Throughout their lives, the Tringalis’ love for God’s Word expressed itself through their generous hearts.
“Thanks to their work ethic, they were able to give back so much,” Gabby remembers. Both of her grandparents served as deacons in their church. Nancy found great joy in inviting guests to their home and creating fellowship around food. They hosted student groups in their mountain cabin and arranged for the top floor of their house to become a rent-free church plant space after their passing. “They were very good stewards of what God gave them,” Gabby says.
Nancy and Anthony’s generosity reached beyond their immediate community. Always passionate about Bible translation and the spread of the gospel, the Tringalis chose to leave an eternal legacy by naming American Bible Society in their trust.
“I heard them mention American Bible Society, growing up,” Gabby says. “They were monthly donors . . . When I found out they had remembered American Bible Society in their trust, I thought, ‘That makes sense!’”
A Lasting Legacy
Thanks to their gift to American Bible Society, Nancy and Anthony’s faithful witness continues to touch more than just Gabby’s life. “Their hard work is still benefitting the Kingdom in a huge way,” Gabby says. “They wanted to make sure they got Bibles into people’s hands . . .That’s why they chose to give to American Bible Society. Because the Bible is God talking to his people, and they wanted that to go out to the world.”
When Nancy and Anthony Tringali remembered American Bible Society in their trust, God expanded their impact beyond their grandchildren and created a legacy that is still changing lives through the power of the Bible. We are so thankful for the faithful giving of Bible champions like Nancy
and Anthony!